SFDR for Asset Owners (SFDR4AO) aims to bring together academics, senior investment specialists, and asset owners to enkindle and drive in-depth discussions surrounding Sustainability Related Financial Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) reporting and disclosures.

The event will host the UK asset owner RI roundtable on ‘Aligning expectations’. The first part of this session will showcase research assessing voting activities of asset owners and managers, using oil and gas as a critical example to highlight the challenges and complexities of investing and exercising stewardship through the energy transition. Subsequent breakout discussions (invite-only) will enable a constructive dialogue around the pace and scale of climate action needed to achieve net-zero alignment, the extent to which stewardship strategies have reinforced climate ambitions and future expectations around pathways for voting escalation.

The conference will also encompass an award ceremony for top-performing asset owners. Previous award winners include Swedfund (Sweden), APG and PGGM (Netherlands), and CDC (France).


London Stock Exchange (LSEG)
Forum, Forum Gallery & Atrium
10 Paternoster Square, London EC4M 7LS
United Kingdom
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on a row for details
08:00 Coffee and Networking
08:50 Attendees to be seated
09:00 Opening words
09:05 Scientific Update Presentation: Continuously updated Climate Change information and Maturity-Weighted CO2e Emission
09:30 Scientific Update Presentation: UK & International Asset Owner Stewardship Review (Voting & Engagement)
10:00 Panel: Stewardship in the Age of Increasing Risks
10:45 Coffee break
11:15 Panel: Investing in Emerging Markets: Climate Change, Energy Transition, and Human Talent
12:00 Keynote Presentation: "AI, ESG & Risk in the US context"
12:30 Lunch break
13:45 Scientific Update Presentation: "Gender Diversity in Capital Allocation"
14:00 Keynote Presentation: "The XX Edge: Gender Diversity & Capital Allocation"
14:30 Panel: "Diversity in Depths: Definitions, Data, Targets"
15:15 Afternoon Coffee Break
15:30 Panel "Focus on Green Capex globally: taxonomies and alternative means of measurement"
16:30 Asset Owner Award Nominees
17:15 Closing Note
17:30 Drinks Reception
19:00 End


History of the Awards

The Asset Owner (AO) Awards were launched in 2013 by Response Global Media and ReFine Research. Nearly fifty organisations have been awarded throughout the years with Swedfund (Sweden), APG and PGGM (Netherlands), and CDC (France) winning twice each. In the Nations Table3, the leading countries are similarly The Netherlands, Sweden, and France followed by the UK and the US.

Methodology of the Awards

Section of All-Time Judges

2024 Awards and Nominees


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